Take our word on it, or are clients’ word!
It’s easy to tell you how great we are. Here’s what other people think of our services:
Their out standing reputation begins with President Don Medcalf. He is one of the most visible and trusted figures in the world of numismatics.
these pros will buy certain varieties of gold and silver you may be looking to sell. Conversely, they also have a large inventory of fascinating items for you to choose from if you’re in the market for valuable coins or other collectibles.
There is no appraiser more trusted in Hawaii than Hawaiian Islands Stamp & Coin. They are regularly contracted for high value work by a stable of banks, government agencies and other key institutions, and their list of clients includes both the Bishop Museum and the Bank of Hawaii.
If you have questions about your gold and silver, or are just looking for some exotic Hawaiian coins, head over to Hawaiian Islands Stamp & Coin. To talk to a friendly member of the staff, dial (808) 531-6251. You can see a few sample products by visiting their website. *

“Established in 1973, Hawaiian Islands Stamp & Coin of Honolulu has become known as the region’s most distinguished authority on old coins, stamps, and other collectibles.
Went in to sell some American Eagles “$50” Gold Coins. These gold coins contain 1 ounce of gold in them.
* They offered to buy our coin for 98.25% of the NY Gold Spot price. These guys are the real deal and are honest and will not rip you off like other gold places!! They will pay you cash on the spot too. (Or a check, as we requested.)
* Don the owner is somewhat disheveled but he is honest and knows how to run a coin shop. I’ll take him any day over that “nice” guy at The Gold Guys…
* Here’s my rundown of trying to sell my
* One Ounce Gold coin on March 10, 2012:
* =================================
* New York Gold Price per ounce: $1713
* 1. Hawaiian Islands Stamp & Coin
* Buy @ $1683, 98.25% of Spot
* 2. The Gold Guys
* Buy @ $1542, 90% of Spot
* 3. Secured Gold Buyers
* Buy @ $1503, 88% of Spot
* 4. Wedding Ring Shop
* Buy @ $1387.77, 80% of Spot
* 5. Honolulu Trading Company
* Buy @ $1250, 73% of Spot
* Note: Hawaiian Island Stamp and Coins deals in gold coins, not gold scrap.12/22/2014
In addition to being appointed as the Chairman of the Expertising Committee of the Hawaiian Philatelic Society, he was also elected President of the Stamp and Coin Dealers Association of Hawaii.

1 check-in
After my first experience dealing with a stamp and coin shop in Kaneohe my expectations weren’t very high as I walked into this place? To my surprise the people here were actually nice and friendly I sold a bunch of gold and silver bars and coins. Someone recommended I deal with a worker named Bryan as he’d give me a fare price. So I asked for Bryan and found out that of all days he’s off is the day I walked in:( so the guy I talked says I can look at what you’ve got and try and help you (later found out he was the owner). Long story short, I was given a really good cash price on everything I had brought in that day. They (father and daughter) were very nice and professional at the same time. The whole transaction from weighing my bars, counting the coins, discussing a price, and paying me went quickly and smoothly. This family owned and operated business gets 2 from me. I can’t give a review on buying here because I haven’t yet.
Medcalf and his all-star crew of appraisers will provide you with a professional opinion about the worth of valuable coins ranging from a Gold Eagle to a Morgan Silver Dollar. .

A Google User
4 years ago –
★★★★★ Great selection, very knowledgeable and even helped when I had a screaming kid. They didn’t try to rush me out the door and was very courteous and polite. Judge for yourself not by the reviews they were misleading..
These veterans also specialize in rare confederate notes, military pay certificates, and even Chinese knife money. In addition to helping you understand the value of your possessions,